
Schuylkill Valley Music League meets monthly during the school year generally on the first Monday of the month at the Schuylkill Valley Community Library. Parents and teachers are welcome to attend.  Meetings begin promptly at 6:00pm. 

schuylkill valley school district music league | leesport, PA

The Schuylkill Valley School District Music League organizes many fundraisers throughout the year, ranging from the dinner concert to popcorn sales at football games, and flower sales at holiday concerts. These fundraisers allow us to offer financial assistance to the various music programs at Schuylkill Valley, and give generous scholarships to music students. 

If you would like to help us and our students by donating, please send a check payable to SVHS, and mail to: Schuylkill Valley High School, c/o SV Music Leagues, 929 Lakeshore Drive, Leesport, PA 19533 

Volunteering is also a great way to donate your time…let us know you would like to help out, and we’ll be in touch. 


We are always ready to welcome new volunteers to our organization.  Send us your information and we’ll be in touch.

We look forward to meeting you! 

929 Lakeshore Drive, Leesport, PA 19533

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I'm available to help at the following events:

Schuylkill Valley SchooL District Music League

Leesport, PA 19533


For inquires, contact:

Amy Sterner, President of SVSDML


For technical concerns, contact:

Marie Perry